Digital dancing

4 years ago

It’s 2021 and things are still weird, to say the least. But, rather than take flight, let’s take a look at your business and the digital trends that have emerged in the era of COVID.

How you run your business may indeed look drastically different than it did a year ago. We’ve seen consumer behavioral shifts, shutdowns, and fewer in-person interactions. We’ve all had to enlist our superpowers, put on our big boy or girl pants, and get creative. This isn’t easy after being pummeled to dust with hard news. 

And yet…even as you’re lamenting these “unprecedented times”, “pivoting” (or perhaps pirouetting) to adapt, and trying to figure out your new Facebook company page, there have been virtual developments that can benefit you.

The largest change for businesses is the move online, to e-commerce, and a remote workforce.

Certainly the most seismic adjustment is going fully digital. You may feel less than comfortable in the online zeitgeist when you’re used to more tangible, hands-on methods. However, even without a pandemic, business trends were already headed this direction. It may not have happened so fast, but it was definitely coming. Now that you have been pushed to the front of the virtual class, let’s explore how you can take advantage of the landscape today, and during the “next-normal” stage. 

Digital Strategies That Work

  • Access a global network instead of a local one
    Distance is no longer a deterrent for people to frequent your digital storefront. Depending upon your product or service, you may have expanded your customer base. Certainly the online community can be more inclusive for those who may not have had the physical ability to access your business before.
  • Build an online presence
    Most companies have invested in a website. If you don’t already have one, it’s time. Other digital content that complement your website include social media, email,  newsletters or e-zines, and video – whatever best suits your business. If you already have these platforms, be sure to update them.
  • Bring your networking groups online
    Keep traditional marketing strategies that worked for you, and add to them. By creating or building your digital presence with a solid company profile and increasing connections with your prospects and customers, you should see an uptick in profitability. Be sure to join and participate in online groups who may be able to refer clients to you, and vice versa.
  • Bond with your remote workforce
    Work as hard to keep up the interpersonal banter with your employees as you do your customers. Get “face time” as much as possible through Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, etc. It’s been documented team members are more likely to speak up in a virtual meet than they are face to face. You may find a shining star who is less intimidated to pitch creative ideas in this format.
  • Keep up with virtual events
    Turn your in-person event(s) into a standout virtual experience. Generate revenue in a a virtual group or chat platform by hosting paid parties, contests, fundraisers, prizes, screenings, or online classes. You can attract a substantial following when targeting the right participants.

If new to you, this style of marketing may feel like a dance for which you don’t know the choreography. Soon, you will know all the steps, and digital marketing will become a permanent part of your business model. Used well, these tools will help your business stay relevant, profitable, and continue to grow, despite social distancing.

Be sure to present your company or organization to the virtual world through quality, original content that highlights the skillsets and values you stand for. If you need a hand with that, I’m a digital dancer. You can ask me stuff. Yes, things are changing, but it’s going to be okay.